When 2020 dawned, we had just finished our Kumbakonam koil trip which like any other koil trip brought in a sense of fulfilment. Then it was New Year and everyone, esp the run of the mill astrologers were talking about how wonderful this decade is going to be compared to the decade which went by. For us 2019 was a milestone year as Senthil turned 60 and the second thali went around my neck which catapulted me into the senior set while my muddled mind at times was still its giggly teenaged self. But senthil turning 60 changed MY life entirely. There he was at home sans office calls or office meetings while I had to rush as usual to work but one part of me felt guilty that I was leaving him “alone” sulking at home with books for company while other friends and relatives tut tutted that he must be really bored as his wife is always busy.
Covid and the resultant lockdown changed all that. Here I was at home along with him. No maid, so more chores. But he willingly began helping so much so that we share a daily rhythm with me sweeping, he mopping, me cooking, he cleaning. While I began LBN work at 9. 30 AM, he dutifully went out braving the virulent virus to give food for mom. Also bring back the dish she had cooked for us. Covid 19 had made my mom very enthused and the 76 yr old was busy typing tamil stories on her laptop while she was not at her chores.
My dining table became my office. Another big positive is Senthil actually understood the magnitude of work involved and how annoying the team can be when they are at their dimwit worst.
Every single day when we watch TV digesting the mounting Covid count, I can’t help but realize that that we are truly blessed compared to the less fortunate ones.
It’s been two months since I saw Skanda. We have to make do with video calls. But I am glad that Shweta is getting the rest she needs away from work. But I still keep insisting that she should take online music classes to make use of this God given time. She has honed her cooking skills to perfection, so if not for dentistry she can start a food biz, on a lighter note.
For me, this lockdown has been positive. In comparison 2010 to 2015 was a bad period like Covid and Tsunami snowballing into one and hitting me on my face. Well, after that, this corona crisis is on the personal front, pretty mild.
On a macro level, we have to embrace the new normal. Things will never be the same again economically and socially. Any change is always for the better, maybe Kalam’s dream will come true after all. China will get side-lined and India has a great, big, huge opportunity staring at our face. Will we make use of this opportunity? Time will only tell.
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